revised 25-Apr-2022
PmWiki offers a rich choice of options in the way of creating links between related notes as well as the use of the sidebar for accessing a collection of pages. In the Zettelkasten 'world', this similarly follows somewhat the idea of a 'hub' -- a sort of table of contents which assists in giving oversight in field of related ideas. Many persons find that a graphic environment is very useful in retaining an overview of ideas. With this in mind, the graphical mind-map environ offered, for example, by the app 'Freemind' can be good companion to PwWiki (for setup details see: b. Mind maps - Freemind)
In approaching any subject, the mind-map is handy for quick setting down of the main points as nodes in a map. Each node can then be linked thereafter to PmWiki pages via the Freemind's 'Ctl-k' dialogue through which the simple cut-and-paste of the page's link is made. The Freemind nodes can also be adorned with icons to make each node more memorable.
<*html>It works!<*/html>
Entering http://localhost/ht those words will appear.
By creating other directories and html files within the 'ht' directory, such as 'images', 'docs' and even sub-sub-directories, PmWiki can load through such links other html pages which can be created to serve PDF files, even audio files and the like.
One of these directories could be 'css' by which the css file: w3.css can be placed It offers a wider range of easily implemented enhancements to html files - see w3-schools-w3.css-reference
Intro Introduction |
Basic PmWiki/StandAlone Webserver |
Extras Helpful Tips/Tools |
Summary Concepts |