revised: 27-Jun-2024
To backup the database structure and transactions, one selects within SQL-Ledger's table of actions: System->Backup->Save to File. A dialogue box should pop-up requesting one to save the backup file to one's download directory whose title should be in the form of:
[database-name]-[version of SQL-Ledger]-[current date].sql.gz.
For example: testdb-3.2.12-20240522.sql.gz Note: If one chooses "Send by Email" instead of the recommended "Save to File" in the default install then these backup files accumulate in the "users" directory on the server if the email dependencies and configuration is not properly setup.
It is recommended to do this daily, if not more frequently when many entries are posted.
Via PuTTY, logon as the regular user (eg. sammy) and go to the /usr/local directory. One can compress the entire sql-ledger directory into a file named: [MyServerName]-SQL-ledger3.2.12-[date].tar.gz as follows:
With an FTP client (eg. FileZilla), download the file: [MyServerName]-SQL-ledger3.2.12-[date].tar.gz and store it well. It is recommended to do this application backup, particularly when there are many changes with users and/or templates.
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