revised: 08-Sep-2023
This demo highlights the capacity to have interested persons register on the site with a valid email, confirmed with a link. Given the constraints now with the big email providers (Gmail, Yahoo, etc) this may only be attractive to an organization which provides its members with its own domain-driven mail-server. The setup can be downloaded here: secmain2-230908.tar.gz (~450Kb) It is recommended to glance throught the following files: READMe, .env, and __init__py for the notes found therein.
With the initial virtual environment described in the Flask 3pg Site and assuming a Debian 10 environment with iRedmail functional. Upload the file to your home directory.
The app should be seen via the browser at http://(MyIP or MyDomain):5000<
Note: the first registration gives the user 'admin' rights. All registrations thereafter have only 'user' rights.
In preparing the app to run through at webserver, one could use uwsgi and by doing the following:
a. Create in directory: /home/sammy/secmain the file:
Enter the following commands:
Note: The above confirms if the settings within are correct. The app should be seen via the browser at http://(MyIP or MyDomain):5000
Using a similar setup described in Step#3 (PartB) in Flask 3pg Site, one can establish the service to be render by the webserver.Advance Flask | Flask Roles Demo |
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