Memorization Introduction

Loci System - Memory Palace

Reference: Method_of_loci

For the individual who a strong visual memory (as different to those who have a strong audio one), the Loci System offers an attractive method of memorization. In brief, it is the development of pairs: images linked to ideas, using the images as triggers. There are many approaches and methods published around this concept. One should explore what suits each one’s particular nature.

a. Roman Room System: This writer found a simplified version of this system whereby he chose a familiar building and wherein, each room had five ‘locations’; right-side, left-side, back wall, front wall and lastly, ceiling or floor. Often is necessary to breakdown the target idea or verse into parts as to remember the whole idea/verse accordingly.

b. Mind maps - Freemind: Of the available mind map software (Download), this beta2 version of Freemind oftens a remarkable environment for building MindMaps and well worth the effort to familirize oneself with it. Note that the current JAVA jre is required prior to running Freemind.

Tips (Freemind):

1. Create a Freemind folder in the ‘Documents’ folder, call it say, Fmroot. Create all your Freemind maps therein. The hyperlinks (ctl-k) can readily access files in form of pictures or any other file types from any folder within the ‘Documents’ folder, making it an attractive alternative way to access chosen files.

2. Download and install Aprelium - Abyss Web Server such that the Abyss files are within the ‘Documents’ folder. As a very lightweight webserver (~1Mb), Abyss can remain active with port ‘80’ as its setting, thus rendering any html file/folder from its ‘htdocs’ folder. Using the Freemind hyperlink (ctl-k), Freemind can serve up webpages with the help of Abyss by entering ‘http://localhost/somewebpage.html’. These webpages can also embed autoplay sound or video files to greatly enhance the mind map: here’s an example of such a html page.

Loci System
Memory Palace
Major System
Phonetic Numbers