revised: 18-Apr-2023
It is coming increasing useful and important for any institution to have not only a presence on the web but even institutional emails and private pages for specific personnel. Moreover, domains and hosting services have become more wide-spread and economical. The collection of services present on this site strives to give understanding and instructions on how such services can be implemented. There is an assumption that each institution has one or more person with some familiarity with the linux operating system as well as with MS Windows who will follow instructions; much has been done to make the work easy, such as copy and paste with minor modifications.
It is assumed here that most offices are running a version of MS Windows OS,10 and above, now of 64bit version (check Windows properties to confirm). Moreover a basic assumption here is that the creation of the website will be first build on the PC then uploaded and future changes synchronized with the virtual server. Thus this tutorial builds on that concept and strongly suggests acquiring the following open-source software tools:
a) PuTTy – a Window-based SSH client that acts as your virtual server monitor, together with PuTTyGen to create SSH key-pairs. Download here:
- which provides the latest "PuTTY" an application (choose the '.msi' installer for 64bit computers) which creates a console-style means of communicating with the virtual server as well as "PuTTYgen" for the creation of SSH key-pairs.
b) Filezilla – a FTP client by which one with upload/download files from virtual server. Download here:
c) Notepad ++ - a good versatile word editor. Download here: and choose the latest 64bit version.
d) PowerShell: Essential for system operations on Windows. Obtainable at the MS Shop at: PowerShell
e) Shell Assistant (optional): Very versatile free software incorporating significant aspect of all three above. Obtainable at the MS Shop at: Shell Assistant